God wants us to be a fellowship of believers. We are not meant to follow God alone but as a community of believers. “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” -Matthew 18:20
Teaching children to love God and love others as we follow Jesus together.
… is that East Glenville Community Kids will be known in our community as a thriving, vibrant, and exciting ministry to both area children and their families. Families will seek out our church because they know that their children will develop faith in Jesus through sound Bible teaching, fun and exciting worship and events, and loving staff and volunteers.
Our children’s ministry includes the following elements:
Community Kids Learn—Sunday School, 9-10 am Sunday mornings, for children and adults of all ages during the school year. Focusing on prayer and learning what is in the Bible and how to use and apply Bible teachings.
Community Kids Worship—Junior Church, children in K-5th grades are dismissed during the Worship Service, typically after the morning prayer. Focusing on prayer, worship, and Bible stories, often with a craft that helps children to remember the lesson, and, of course, a snack to hold the kids over through lunchtime!
Nursery, provided during the Worship Service. Our loving volunteers joyfully welcome infants (birth to 18 months) and toddlers (18 months to 4 years) into the nursery rooms at any time.
Praise Gang Children’s Choir, Wednesday nights 6:30-7:15 during the school year. Followed by an activity-filled childcare while parents are attending Bible study.
Community Kids Kidventure—Children’s Night Out, approximately monthly. A high-energy, themed children’s night out, filled with exciting Bible story time, fun worship songs, crafts, snacks, and games.
Community Kids Serve—service projects that help kids learn to serve God through serving others.
Community Kids Prepare—this is the transition from elementary school to teen. Children will be introduced to such practices as baptism, communion, and The Lord’s Prayer.
We desire for our children to understand that they are loved by God through our volunteers, education, and activities.
In addition to the children we serve, our goal is to partner with entire families in walking with Christ, through the provision of resources for discipleship and Christian education, family events, Vacation Bible School, and other community outreach.